2025 Itinerary by Country
Brazil, Argentina, Italy, France, Poland, Romania, Germany, Brittany, USA, Canada & More!
Brazil, Argentina, Italy, France, Poland, Romania, Germany, Brittany, USA, Canada & More!
Unity does not have to mean uniformity. When we recognize the gifts and value in the diverse communities within the church, we build healthy relationships filled with the Life of God…
The mission of United in Christ is to promote the reconciliation of all Christians and Christian Churches who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Messiah to promote the Christian religion.
Pray the Good News of Jesus and the Joy of His Gospel will not be hindered but shared with everyone, everywhere. That understanding compassion, forgiveness and consideration be foremost…
This ministry is dedicated to bringing all Christians together for the purpose of healing & restoration.
Catholics, Protestants & Orthodox Christians will likely always differ in doctrine and we want to acknowledge, accept and even celebrate those differences as strengths to reach a world in need of a Savior.
United in Christ has ministered to a divided church all over the world to encourage Christians to embrace our brothers and sisters internationally who have the same intention, to reveal Christ to the Nations in their own way, allowing them to continue in their diversity.